Prepare for Summer🌞 with SUMMER DETOX DRINK🌿


Prepare for summer🌞 with SUMMER DETOX DRINK🌿 - simple, easy and highly effective!

Summer is called a Pitta season in Ayurveda, as it is ruled by the “fire” element. The Sun is high and so it the air temperature.

Modern science is teaching us about the higher infrared radiation of objects in hot weather too. Including our bodies, which naturally heat up. And it is not just “feeling hot” – our whole homeostasis changes, from digestive to hormonal functions.

Ayurveda invites us to take special care of our Pitta organs during summer. These include eye, liver, spleen, skin, heart, the head and the pineal and pituitary glands which do not like to be overheated. The summer’s heat can be more intense for people with a natural Pitta predisposition or with Pitta imbalances, as well as peri-menopausal or menopausal women, people with certain inflammatory conditions or emotional tendencies towards irritability and anger.

So how do we prepare our bodies for the heat of the summer?

A good start is drinking 🌿 SUMMER DETOX DRINK 🌿 for 2 weeks.
It is easy to prepare yet highly effective in helping your body on the cusp of the seasons. The time is now 🌞

• 3 litres of water
• 1 tbs of coriander seeds
• 1 tbsp of fennel seeds
• 1 cinnamon stick
• 6 green cardamoms
• 1 inch of fresh ginger, thinly cut

Add all the ingredients together and boil on low to medium fire until reduced by half, i.e. to 1.5 litres. Strain into a jar and keep in the fridge.

Add 1/3 of the prepared decoction and 2/3 of warm water into a glass - and drink 3 glasses a day, for 2 weeks.
(Note: 1 glass only for those on aspirin, warfarin or antacids; avoid in pregnancy).

Give it a go and you are sure to notice the difference!
Have a healthy, happy and enjoyable summer! 🌞🌿💛

*recipe is based on Dr Ajit’s teachings (AdvDip of Ayurvedic Medicine, AIAS).

Source: somewhere on FB group on Ayurveda


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